

Thermostat and time relay based on esp8 2 6 6   chip

version: 0.3 (beta) 24.01.2019

This firmware is suitable for any device based on the esp8266 chip, as well as for universal devices based on this chip, for example, nodemcu. It should be borne in mind that the programmed functionality provides for a certain use of the output PINs of the esp8266 chip. Consider the operation of this firmware on the example of two boards NodeMCU v3 and MP3509 from MasterKit.

The main functions of the program are: thermostat, time relay, pulse counter or speed measurement (2 channels), load control (2 relays), temperature measurement up to 8 sensors per channel through the 1-wire bus (all sensors are connected in parallel through a 4.7 kΩ resistor to the data pins and to the power supply of 5 volts, the resistor is connected as close as possible to the device board, the length of the wire cannot be long, because There is no 1-wire bus formation scheme on the device. See the description of the commands ow_scan and ow_show. ) and measurement of input voltage within 1 volt (The measured voltage, for example, the battery charge level of 12 volts, must be submitted through a divider!) Program allows you to enter the conversion factor and output already real values of the measured value. The main functions are the functions of a thermostat and a time relay, usually they are implemented on the controller side. But the esp8266 chip is powerful enough to put complex programs in the device’s internal memory and to refuse using controllers in simple automation cases.

Device management is carried out using MQTT and / or UDP protocols. The MQTT protocol allows the use of universal programs (mqtt-panels) for smartphones. UDP protocol can be used in the local network to communicate with the controller, for example, Openhab. If the mqtt protocol provides for a broker broker, via the UDP protocol, you can communicate with the device directly. Another goal, which was pursued during the implementation of this program - This is the autonomy of work, i.e. the device will work and perform basic functions even if the connection is lost, either with the mqtt broker or with the main controller.

The following application was chosen as an example of the mqtt-panel: IoT MQTT Panel An example of the implementation of the panel can be seen in the screenshots below.

The user can customize and place the items to your liking. You can download the file for importing application settings with the prepared panel. To make the panel work with your device, you need to edit the file before importing it in the application, replace chip_id with numbers that you can receive with the system command, after you load the program into the device and connect to it with a terminal or via a UART or UDP protocol (port 7777).

The functions of the thermostat and the time relay can be turned off, each is switched on to its own relay, for example, the first time relay controls the lighting, and the second thermostat relay controls the engine heating or turning on the gas boiler. If you enable both functions on one relay, the following logic will work: in the 1st time switch operation mode, the thermostat will operate when the time switch is on. In the 2nd time relay mode, the thermostat will work when the time relay is off.

Temperature sensors (DS18D20) are configured to work with maximum accuracy (tenths of a degree), the effective value is averaged by 10 measurements, which allows you to accurately track temperature changes.

Input sensors (2 pins), work on a hardware interrupt, which can be used to count the pulses at the input of the device with a high frequency. This functionality allows to realize measurements of various expenses, for example, water, gas or an electric meter. Information about the implementation of cost sensors enough. In the program settings, you can set the interval in seconds for measuring the speed of the pulses and the conversion factor to obtain the actual speed values. Sensor inputs can be logically connected to relay outputs, i.e. for a logical unit, the corresponding relay will be turned on. For example, by connecting a motion sensor, you can turn on the lighting connected to one of the relays.

Time Relay

Time relay can be used to turn on any load in a certain period of time. For the case of turning on the lighting in the dark, a third mode of operation is provided. The relay will be tied to an astronomical clock, to the moments of sunrise and sunset. At the time of sunrise, the relay will turn off and turn on at sunset. It will be necessary to set geographical coordinates your location and correction time in minutes relative to sunrise and sunset. The exact time of the relay will be calculated: sunrise time - (minus) correction time and sunset time + (plus) correction time. It is also possible to set the on and off values ​​of the time relay for modes 1 or 2. Then the resulting state of the relay will be the result of two conditions for the logical operation "AND", those. the time relay will only be able to turn on at intervals when it should be turned on at astronomical time AND in a given time interval.


The thermostat has four modes of operation. The 1st and 2nd modes work according to the temperature hysteresis algorithm. The 1st mode operates at a low temperature range (defrost protection mode), and the 2nd mode operates at a high (comfortable) level. The thermostat triggering temperatures and the temperature hysteresis interval are set, i.e. when the thermostat is triggered, it will not turn off the relay, until the target temperature + (plus) interval is reached. The temperature sensor on which the thermostat works is selected in the device settings.

The 3rd and 4th modes work using the PID controller algorithm (proportional – integral – derivative controller). 3rd mode works on low range, 4th mode on high. This algorithm provides a more accurate temperature maintenance in contrast to the temperature hysteresis algorithm.

In the picture you can see the effect on different values ​​of the parameters of the PID algorithm. The following values are set by default: Kp = 2.0 Ki = 5.0 Kd = 1.0, the duration of one cycle was chosen 960 seconds (16 minutes), due to the large inertia of the heating systems (values are adjustable). Parameters can be selected experimentally. The duration of the operating cycle (on state of the relay) is calculated by the algorithm. The settings made the minimum time of the working cycle, because it makes no sense to turn on the engine heating or gas boiler on too a short time interval and the maximum time beyond which the relay will be permanently on, again, there is no sense in switching off heating system for too short a time.

Programming NodeMCU

The NodeMCU device has a built-in USB-UART adapter, so you only need a USB cable from a smartphone, download the program for the computer esptool or Flash Download Tools (ESP8266 & ESP32) , read the instructions for working with it and run the program itself, which will load the file into the flash memory of the device.

Then connect with terminal for example this ScriptCommunicator / serial terminal to the com port devices at a speed of 115200. To configure WiFi, enter the commands:
ssid = your_ap_ap
password = password
After entering the ssid and password, the device should connect to your network ...
do not forget to enter the command: commit, which will save the settings in the EEPROM memory. The system command will give us the chip number we need - Chip ID.

PINs definition:

Sensor 1D6
Sensor 2D5
Relay 1D2
Relay 2D1
Analog input ADCA0
Temperature sensors up to 8 unitsD7

Programming MP3509

This device does not have a built-in UART-USB adapter, so you will need to purchase it and solder the pins as a connector to the board. A UART connector is provided on the pinboard device: 3.3V Tx Rx GND IO02 RST

1. Disconnect main power 5 volts.
2. Connect the UART adapter to the device:


3. Connect the adapter to the USB port and use the esptool program to load the program into the device. After that, the chain IO02 - GND must be broken.
4. You can proceed to configure the device through the terminal program.

PINs definition:

Sensor 1GPIO12
Sensor 2GPIO14
Relay 1GPIO4
Relay 2GPIO5
Analog input ADCADC
Temperature sensors up to 8 unitsGPIO13
Not usedGPIO02


Commands work the same way through UART and UDP protocol, through the program - terminal. Right column - default values.

ssidID your wi-fi net.WiFi-AP
passwordPassword of the wi-fi net.12345
mqtt_hostDomain name of a mqtt servermqtt.1vp.ru
mqtt_portPost number of a mqtt server1883
mqtt_loginlogin for a mqtt server
mqtt_passwordpassword for a mqtt server
udp_listen_portUDP port number of the device7777
udp_host_ipIP address of a controller(server), which can receive data from the device when it changes in json format
udp_host_portUDP port number of a controller(server)9777
ow_scanSearch for temperature sensors on a given pin (PIN) device (esp8266), immediately after this command, you must execute the commit command to save the addresses of the sensors in the non-volatile memory of the device13
ow_showDisplay of temperature sensors stored in the device
thermo_high_onThermostat trigger temperature in the upper range21
thermo_high_hystdegrees hysteresis in the upper range1
thermo_low_onThe temperature of the thermostat in the lower range4
thermo_low_hystdegrees of temperature hysteresis in the lower range4
thermo_pid_time_cyclePID controller cycle time960
thermo_pid_duty_cycle_minMinimum duty cycle time120
thermo_pid_duty_cycle_maxMaximum duty cycle time840
thermo_pid_kp_ki_kdPID algorithm parameters2.0, 5.0, 1.0
thermo_sensorsensor number for thermostat operation1
thermo_switchrelay number for thermostat operation2
thermo_modethermostat mode0
pidview current parameters when running PID algorithm
pid_restartrestart PID algorithm
sensor1_to_switch1logical connection for the 1st sensor and the 1st relay0
sensor2_to_switch2logical connection for the 2st sensor and the 2st relay0
rate_intervaltime interval in seconds to measure the speed / frequency of the pulses0
rate_factor1conversion factor for obtaining the actual speed / frequency for sensor 10.0
rate_factor2conversion factor for obtaining the actual speed / frequency for sensor 20.0
adc_minminimum value for measured value analog signal0.0
adc_maxmaximum value for measured value analog signal0.0
time_switchTime relay switch number1
time_switch_ontime of switching ON of time relay in HH:MM format00:00
time_switch_offtime OFF timer in format HH:MM00:00
time_astro_locationGeographical coordinates0.0, 0.0
time_astro_offsetAstro relay time correction30 minutes
time_modetimer operation mode0
timezonetime zone5
astrooutput information for astro mode
ntp_server_onentp server 1pool.ntp.org
ntp_server_twontp server 2time.nist.gov
commitsave all setting values to device eeprom
showdisplay all device settings
systemsystem information: chip ID, MAC address, uptime - time of continuous operation of the device after resetting the days: hours: minutes: seconds
timecurrent system time
resetreset the device, almost like pressing the reset button
getallget the values of all sensors in json format
getget the value of a specific pin input device output GPIOexample:
setset the value of a specific pin of a GPIO input output deviceexample:

MQTT topics

/1vp.ru/esp8266/chip_id - The main topic, in the mqtt-panel is listed as a prefix. chip_id is the chip number of your device.
The following describes the topic without a prefix, all values are string:

/switch1=0, switch1=1, switch2=0, switch2=1,
sync - get all values
/temp[1-8]Digital value with a dottemp1
/sensor10 or 1
/sensor20 or 1
/adcDigital value with a dot
/counter1Digital value
/counter2Digital value
/rate1Digital value with a dot
/rate2Digital value with a dot
/time_ontime in HH:MM format
/time_offtime in HH:MM format
/time_mode0 - the function is disabled, 1 - operation mode, 2 - operation mode, 3 - Astro mode
/thermostat0 - the function is disabled, 1 - the operating mode in the lower range, 2 - the operating mode in the upper range, 3 - the PID mode of the controller in the lower range, 4 - the PID mode of the controller in the upper range
/thermostat_lowDigital value
/thermostat_highDigital value

Comments and suggestions can be sent to the e-mail: info@1vp.ru

Change log

version: 0.3 (beta) 24.01.2019

  • Processing up to 8 temperature sensors DS18B20 on one bus.
  • Added time relay functionality - Astro.

version: 0.2 (beta) 14.01.2019

  • Thermostat functionality added - PID controller.

version: 0.1 (beta) 17.12.2018

  • First firmware released.