


This confidentiality agreement ( hereinafter - Agreement ) is an addendum to the contract between the public offer by the Company and the Subscriber is an integral part thereof and is valid from the date of acceptance of a public offer .

1. Terms and Conditions

1.1. Party transferring the information , referred to as " Disclosing Party ". The party receiving the information referred to as " the Recipient ».

1.2. The term "Confidential Information" means information considered confidential ( or information constituting official , trade secret, intellectual property or personal information ) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian . (the concept of trade secrets, personal data and the protection of their legal status established by the Federal Law " On Commercial Secrets " and " On Personal Data ».)

1.2.1. To Confidential Information , however, does not include information which :

a) is or becomes generally known ( though not considered well-known information known to a limited circle of persons ) for reasons not related to the violation of the Agreement by the Recipient ;

b) The recipient can prove that it was in his possession or was recorded in its documents to its receipt from the Disclosing Party and has not previously been received by the recipient from the Disclosing Party or any third party related to such non-disclosure obligation information ;

c) disclosed by the Recipient with the prior written permission of the Disclosing Party , indicating that the information is not Confidential Information .

g ) legally obtained by the Recipient from a third party without restriction and without breach of this Agreement ;

d ) can not be attributed to the Confidential Information in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation .

1.3. The term « Privacy Mode » means the legal, organizational , technical, or other owner of the Confidential Information received , measures to protect its confidentiality ;

2 . Subject of Agreement .

subject of this Agreement are the Company's obligation to ensure the confidentiality of the Confidential Information of the Subscriber under the conditions specified in this Agreement .

2.1. Information belonging to the Subscriber , access to which company gets while performing work related to the provision of services to the Subscriber for administrative work is considered confidential .

2.2. The Company undertakes to take the necessary measures to preserve confidential information confidential, not to disclose or transmit the confidential information in any form to third parties , and not to use the Confidential Information in any of its purposes, including profit , without the prior written consent of the Subscriber .

2.3. Confidentiality is provided as follows :

2.3.1 Company uses technical means to ensure the confidentiality of data in accordance with industry standards , recommendations and opportunities manufacturers of hardware and software , including :

a) data transfer ( if applicable for services rendered) is conducted using secure data transfer protocols ;

b) the Company as soon as possible monitors vulnerabilities and installs security update software .

c) The company monitors attempts to gain unauthorized access and provides a set of measures to protect user data .

2.3.2 Company uses administrative and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality of users' data , namely :

a) Subscriber data access is possible only for employees of the Company , having the status of not less than the System Administrator , c signatory company meets the confidentiality agreement ;

b) Employees of the Company are not traded , do not look , do not modify the user data except :

- when these actions are necessary for data recovery in case of accidents ;

- using the service for the dissemination of information prohibited under the laws of the Russian Federation (pornography , incitement to violence or the overthrow of the legitimate government, etc. );

- use this service to distribute spam .

2.4. Company is required to ensure compliance with the Company's employees and those who , for whatever reason lose the status of employees of the Company , the provisions of this Agreement relating to the conservation of the Confidential Information confidential, non-disclosure , as well as restrictions on the transfer and use of Confidential Information . In case of violation of the Company's employees and specified in this paragraph Agreement persons provisions of the Agreement relating to the conservation of the Confidential Information confidential, non-disclosure , as well as restrictions on the transfer and use of Confidential Information , the Company shall be liable to the Subscriber liable under this Agreement and the applicable laws of the Russian Federation .

2.5. Confidential information may be disclosed without the prior written consent of the Subscriber's public authorities , including the judiciary , only within their competence , at their request , to the extent in the manner and within the time provided by applicable law. Such disclosure of Confidential Information shall not be considered a violation of obligations under this Agreement .

2.6. The rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement , the law of the Russian Federation. The Parties will strive to settle any dispute , controversy or claim arising out of this Agreement or in connection with the negotiations. In case of failure to settle the dispute through negotiations, all disputes arising out of this Agreement or in connection therewith , including any questions concerning this Agreement , its validity or termination, shall be referred for settlement to the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal of the dispute in accordance with the terms of the arbitration procedure legislation of the Russian Federation .

2.7 The agreement is valid from the moment of detention, valid for the duration of the provision of services to subscribers and for three (3) years from the date of termination of service to the subscriber .