Wellcome to our company site.
It's time to change something!
I think it's true everywhere and always. Only the change gives new opportunities. I know You are seeking to them. And another side there are
a price for the change.
The time what you have is the money what you have not yet. You can replace the time with the money and it will be true again.
So are we talking about? Open Source gives you choice the money or/and the time (proportions are your decision).
I have tried to say shortly about our site and services. :)
Why open source software?
God has created the world as knowable for human! And why some people does made software without source code? What side do they belong?
If seriously, Open Source gives possibility of progressive development for an investor. Where he can dicide how much spending the money or the time. Progressive understanding his software technologies will gives him growing opportunities.
What can we do for you?
It's just - Information Technology.